Saturday, January 23, 2010


Its been long i felt so sweet & loving from him le.. He saw these picture in facebook and he commented.

The ice may melt but my love for you will never melt .:)))

Its been long i felt this way.. So happy after i saw this.. And today he bought cheese fries for me to eat worx.. A little small surprise ba.. Hehee.. = )

PS* I hope occasionally still can have this feeling*

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jayden shower

Sooooo busy on Jayden shower and kinda pissed.. Well, don't wanna talk about it..

Enjoy the pictures..

Monday, January 18, 2010

What are symptoms of depression?

Any of these symptoms during and after pregnancy that last longer than two weeks are signs of depression:
Feeling restless or irritable

Feeling sad, hopeless, and overwhelmed

Crying a lot

•Having no energy or motivation

Eating too little or too much

•Sleeping too little or too much

Trouble focusing, remembering, or making decisions

Feeling worthless and guilty

•Loss of interest or pleasure in activities

•Withdrawal from friends and family

Having headaches, chest pains, heart palpitations (the heart beating fast and feeling like it is skipping beats), or hyperventilation (fast and shallow breathing)

After pregnancy, signs of depression may also include being afraid of hurting the baby or oneself and not having any interest in the baby.

Ok.. I'm having the above after and before pregnancy.. Am i having depression?? Not sure.. But i doesnt feel this way now.. So i guess i might have depression before.. But not too serious.. During pregnancy this symptoms was long.. Cant remembered how long.. Always cried for no reason and get irritated easily.. But nv do all this in front of hubby.. After pregnancy all this symptom was about 1month only..


Singapore is really very small.. Just found out somthing today.. But not very sad la.. Just feel that why is it so coincidence.. Is it because he has too much r/s previously till like everywhere in singapore there is a possibility to met them??

PS* Will not bored over this coincidence thingy*

           Jayden is 01month old le


PS* Love hubby and jayden so muccch.. Nothing can ever replace!!*