Monday, May 17, 2010

A new look of me

Not feeling well today.. Not going to work today.. Not seeing Jayden today.. So many things cant do when i fall sick.. *Sad*
Sometime i will think that whether am i really the girl that my hubby really want?? Or did he ever betray me? All this answer i wont know.. Only the fod knows and he know.. Kk la.. See here i go again.. Emo again.. Miss my Jayden boy so much.. :(

Friday, February 19, 2010

Peak period is over.. Whats on CNY 2010?? Steamboat everywhere.. Blackjack everywhere.. Wishes everywhere.. Lolx.. I keep losing money this year when i gamble loh.. Lolx.. But nvm la.. Small money nia.. But still heartache.. Dragonfly on CNY 2nd day.. FUN!!! Sooooooooooooooo long never step into dragonfly liao sia.. And its my first time clubbing with my childhood friend aka bros... Kekex.. But guess what!! Me and hubby too happy and too enjoying liao.. And we spend $200 on that night.. Haiz~

PS* Miss those time when we start dating....

Friday, February 12, 2010

Had a small arguement just now with hubby..
When can i totally let go?? I'm still progressing.. =(

Give me time.. I still cant put 100% faith when he hangout with girls.. I know whenever he play he will forget about his status..

Thursday, February 11, 2010


This year i D.I.Y my nails again.. Every year i always tell myself next year then go outside do.. Every year also say same thing but yet still have to D.I.Y.. But ok la.. I also not must do outside de la.. And i dye my own hair this year also.. Hehee..
Jayden boy is 8wks plus le.. = )

PS* Nothing happening on VDay is ok.. I just want us to be HAPPY.. = )

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Had my haircut liao.. So happy!! Feel so clean and light now.. Jayden is so happy everyday now.. Every morning he will played on his own and make funny sound. Sianz CNY here again, everytime CNY will think about him.. Cause every CNY we will go watch movie and stuff de la.. Now he's not with us liao i feel kinda weird.. And hubby doesnt like to go to crowded places de.. Now still got Jayden more not convenience liao.. And guess what, this year de stupid VALENTINE DAY is on CNY.. WTH!! I guess not gonna have a wonderful time ba.. Cause gonna be busy on CNY and still got baby Jayden with us.. Have been missing so much after Jayden is with us.. But i'm not blaming BB.. Cause after all is worth it.. Must learnt that life now is different liao.. Still got BB depend on us.. Cannot anyhow anyhow liao..

Lolx.. He is happy laughing like a ah pek.. ^0^

PS*Still learning to let go..

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Its been long i felt so sweet & loving from him le.. He saw these picture in facebook and he commented.

The ice may melt but my love for you will never melt .:)))

Its been long i felt this way.. So happy after i saw this.. And today he bought cheese fries for me to eat worx.. A little small surprise ba.. Hehee.. = )

PS* I hope occasionally still can have this feeling*

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jayden shower

Sooooo busy on Jayden shower and kinda pissed.. Well, don't wanna talk about it..

Enjoy the pictures..

Monday, January 18, 2010

What are symptoms of depression?

Any of these symptoms during and after pregnancy that last longer than two weeks are signs of depression:
Feeling restless or irritable

Feeling sad, hopeless, and overwhelmed

Crying a lot

•Having no energy or motivation

Eating too little or too much

•Sleeping too little or too much

Trouble focusing, remembering, or making decisions

Feeling worthless and guilty

•Loss of interest or pleasure in activities

•Withdrawal from friends and family

Having headaches, chest pains, heart palpitations (the heart beating fast and feeling like it is skipping beats), or hyperventilation (fast and shallow breathing)

After pregnancy, signs of depression may also include being afraid of hurting the baby or oneself and not having any interest in the baby.

Ok.. I'm having the above after and before pregnancy.. Am i having depression?? Not sure.. But i doesnt feel this way now.. So i guess i might have depression before.. But not too serious.. During pregnancy this symptoms was long.. Cant remembered how long.. Always cried for no reason and get irritated easily.. But nv do all this in front of hubby.. After pregnancy all this symptom was about 1month only..


Singapore is really very small.. Just found out somthing today.. But not very sad la.. Just feel that why is it so coincidence.. Is it because he has too much r/s previously till like everywhere in singapore there is a possibility to met them??

PS* Will not bored over this coincidence thingy*

           Jayden is 01month old le


PS* Love hubby and jayden so muccch.. Nothing can ever replace!!*